can’t help myself…

Yep, I am going there…

Another week checked off the calendar. August is nearly over and we have finally gotten respite from the heat and some much needed rain. On this gloomy and drizzly morning, my mind wanders only towards thoughts of Autumn’s approach. I want only to gaze at images of our little home and front porch all decked out for Fall and contemplate this year’s cozy porch decor.

So, with cup of coffee in hand, I share some of my favorite memories of our little cottage at my favorite time of the year…through the years.

From 2015, before we became “the little yellow house on the corner”, our Pepper made it into my favorite shot of the porch as it was all decked out for Fall. More cautious about going out front, our rescued Aussie, Jack, can barely be seen peeking out the cracked door. He was most likely thinking Pepper was NOT supposed to be out there! But, I am glad that she was and this sweet image of her is forever captured to make me smile.


My favorite image from 2016 came later in the season, when the leaves had started to fall and the breeze had scattered them up against the steps. This shot makes me feel all the Fall feels…and we were now the little yellow cottage!


2017 was a simple year for the porch, with a lot of attention on the pumpkins and mums. I still love the look of blooming mums in the old bucket and a ghost pumpkin perched atop a grapevine on an urn. I have replicated this look many times through the years.


2018 found the porch dressed for the season with a leftover fern from the back patio and multicolored pumpkins. I loved the wreath hanging on the black door and the cozy feel as you walked up the steps this year!


2019 was really all about the pumpkins! Can you tell??? Ghost and Cinderella pumpkins were my jam, for sure.


While not as busy, 2020 brought back the simplicity of less is more and the mums I found that year were a beautiful shade of scarlet and huge!


Fall was a challenge for us last year, 2021. I was recovering from that nasty C-bug going around and the month was filled with doctor’s appointments and procedures as my husband was unable to even work that month. But, I still got the basics out on there on the porch and this early morning shot with the sun streaming over the roof is proof of that.


I am looking forward to dressing the porch this year. So much of how it turns out is based on what I find available in the way of pumpkins and mums. But, no matter which direction that leads me, you can be assured that the front porch will reflect the same seasonal Autumn hues and cozy vibes. I am counting down the days until I spy the first large bin of pumpkins at the supermarket and I can get started!!!

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